We had a 48 hour Vaporetto Water Bus pass, and decided to hop on and stop at a random location. While everyone wants to experience a gondola ride while in Venice, I preferred the Vaporetto. It was cheaper, more convenient and really, alot more fun. Don’t get me wrong, I am not diminishing the gondola experience, I recommend it. Just be ready to have your photo taken over and over by tourists. With the Vaporetto, this is not a problem. (more info on Vapretto in another post). We board at Piazza San Marco, and get off at S. Giorgi which is the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. After stopping at a few of the attractions, we explore the island. This is a spot in Venice where it’s quite, with not too many tourists. We come across a small bulding. It is Le Stanze del Vetro (The Glass Room). We are please to find out that the current curated show is Paolo Venini and his Furnace. Which was a pleasant surprise. There were not many people in the presentation room, but there certainly was plenty to look at. The glass was exquisite and flawless. Pieces I would gladly display in my home. My travel partner, being a ceramic tile importer seemed intrigued at the designs and colors. Some great ideas for his business. This little adventure certainly added to the bonus that Venice has to offer. One of the great things I find about Venice, is the amount of attractions and sites, and the fact that many are free. Aw with the Paolo Venini and his Furnace exhibit.